Table Scraps: Little Souls
I started this blog about a year ago, when we’d just been locked down. I figured I’d have plenty of time to dedicate to its existence -- and I did! -- and so, I was laid off on April 21, 2020 and proceeded to rip the bandaid off of MPCC.
What I didn’t expect, and I’m sure none of us expected it, was to be on lockdown for a year. I didn’t expect to guzzle wine and take on the entirety of watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians. I finished it, by the way, just last week. I finished 19 seasons. Of Keeping. Up. With the Kardashians. I know.
I sprinkled in some monthly content here and there, but I have felt listless, wrecked, upset, and bored. I haven’t wanted to do anything. I still have tabs up for a Wag-entine’s Day gift guide I’d been planning. Super cute accessories from (4) The Foggy Dog, a new book (2) from Lili Chin called Doggie Language: A Dog Lover's Guide To Understanding Your Best Friend (and there was a corresponding panel on March 10th and one in the future - August 2021!), this adorable (3) Maine Coon print, and a (1) MINI DOG TREAT MAKER!!! (like, bone-shaped waffles, y’all!). Might as well post ‘em instead of waste ‘em!
Do you think we’ll ever get back to “normal”? I certainly don’t want to go back to how things were - I love working from home, I’m finally vaccinated, the dogs love me being here (I mean, I think they do, but who the heck really knows, they’re probably sick of me).
But we shall see. I’m excited to return to MPCC and start posting again. As always, share your thoughts with me at monpetitchewchew (a)
Stay safe, stay sane, get vaccinated,